The Four Stages of Life
Life is a continuous progress. We all grow, develop and mature. As we continue to move on in life, we move from one stage in life to the next one. For some, this transition feels like a natural process1, while others find themselves stuck in certain stages for decades. Some might even skip entire stages completely, without learning the important lessons of a given stage. What’s true for all of us is that there are a number of distinct stages of life we go through once the time is ready. These stages are experienced by all humans throughout the course of their life. By closely analyzing human life, one can identify the pattern behind these different phases of life. This knowledge about the characteristics of life’s phases can help you to shift gears when it comes to your own growth and your pursuit of success. The following will present you an analysis of the human life cycle. It will show you where people typically get stuck and what you can do to break free from such a situation.

- stuck in - застревать
- distinct - отчетливый, особый
- pattern - шаблон
- to shift gears - переключать передачи
- pursuit - преследование
- mankind - человечество
- endeavor - прилагать усилия
- renunciation - отречение
- trap - ловушка
- infancy - младенчество
- adolescence - подростковый возраст
- benevolonce - благожелательность
- playfulness - шаловливость
- puberty - половая зрелость
- manhood - мужественность
- willigness - готовность
- encourage - поощрять
- prohibit - запрещать
- obliged - обязанный
- capability - возможность
- erroneous - ошибочный